Vacuum Excavation
Want to know about vacuum excavation?
Here you can find information about vacuum excavation a form of non-invasive digging.
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Vacuum excavation is a form of non-invasive digging. It is the process of breaking up the earth with pressured water from a lance and then sucking it up with a vacuum to reveal any objects that may be hidden underneath. It is used for many different reasons with the main one being identifying the location and depth of underground services accurately.
Vacuum Excavation
(non-invasive digging)
Vacuum excavation is the last step used to truly and accurately identify the exact location and depth of underground services is the quickest and safest way possible. This form of excavation is safer than using any kind of machinery that requires solid material penetrating the earth, such as an excavator or backhoe. It can also be safer than digging by hand if you are using a crowbar or shovel.

After Allan has used the lance to break the soil up with high pressured water he starts sucking up the broken soil and water.
Prior to this he did a quick service locate to see how close the services ran to the path and trees. Now that he has started the non-invasive digging, you can see how close it is to the path and how the tree roots have grown over the services.
The client who engaged our services needed the services exposed to do some work. For this area it was impossible to safely use the excavator and digging by hand could have also posed a threat and been an extremely long and difficult process.